Why You Need a Buyer Experience Platform for B2B Marketing

More than 319 billion emails are sent and received every day. The average executive gets roughly 300 new emails in their inbox daily and that’s just one channel of communication. Add in all the other messaging that comes through the door, such as texts, printed materials, videos, social media, and it’s easy to see why most of it gets ignored.

Simply cutting through the clutter is a challenge, let alone getting someone to open an email, read it, and act. B2B demand generation is no longer a passive activity. You also cannot depend on prospects reaching out and finding you. You need to aggressively pursue prospects by focusing on the buyer experience.

B2B account based marketing (ABM) — using an ABM platform to refine the buyer experience — has emerged as the preferred method for marketers to break through the clutter and engage high-value prospects.

We conducted a survey in partnership with the Demand Gen Report and the results were clear. 99% of marketers in the 2021 survey cited the importance of personalized content and messaging for B2B buyers.

Marketers also listed their top three challenges associated with buyer engagement:

  1. A consistent experience (63%)
  2. Engaging today’s digital-first buyers (57%)
  3. Delivering personalization at scale (49%)

Tailoring your marketing and selling efforts to buyer’s preferences, needs, and history at the right stage in their buying journey is essential. Marketers can no longer rely on simple marketing automation aimed at top-of-the-funnel (TOFU). This approach leads to lower conversion rates while keeping customer acquisition costs high.  

Too many companies are still stuck with data (and organizational) silos and processes incapable of tracking B2B buyers across their entire lifecycle, let alone targeting high-value prospects with personalized messaging based on data.

Today’s buyers now expect a personalized experience from sales and marketing teams. A study by G2 shows that 86% of B2B buyers expect salespeople to personalize their approach. And, while 64% of sellers feel personalization is important to close deals, only a quarter of marketers say they feel prepared to deliver an engaging digital experience across the customer lifecycle. It’s time to evolve.

The solution? A buyer experience platform to increase engagement and conversions.

6 Benefits of Using a Buyer Experience Platform

The right buyer experience platform lets you personalize at scale. Rather than simply segmenting and creating broad-based content based on buyer personas, you can target individual prospects.

1. Micro-Segmentation = Better Personalization

Customer segmentation can help narrow down marketing efforts, but it also can lead to bland marketing that doesn’t engage prospects. Micro-segmentation and even individual personalization, by contrast, help you craft content that addresses specific needs and customers.

2. Data-Driven Marketing Across the Buyer Journey

When you can track prospects at every touchpoint across channels, the data can act as a guide for your marketing strategy. By tracking engagement at each stage, you can deliver specific and relevant content designed to lead buyers to the next stage in their customer journey.

3. Better Marketing and Sales Alignment

Companies that align their sales and marketing efforts tend to outperform the market. A study by the Aberdeen Group showed that companies with higher alignment between marketing and sales grow 32% faster than their competitors. 

A buyer experience platform helps create a consistent and focused effort by everyone to deliver the personalized experience necessary to reach B2B buyers.

4. Personalization at Scale

Without a buyer experience platform, it’s difficult to scale account-based marketing efforts. With the right automation tools and AI, however, you can personalize at scale. For example, dynamic content with email and landing pages or customized content on web pages can deliver a personalized experience.

AI can align your ABM strategy and define personalized content and messaging at scale.

5. Better Sales Enablement

With more personalized and strategic messaging, marketing will guide prospects through the customer journey with increasingly targeted content. When prospects become leads and then turn into sales-qualified leads (SQLs), they will have already been exposed to the strategic messaging to drive them through the stage of the buying funnel.

Sales teams can have a deeper, more targeted conversation with SQLs because leads will already be familiar with the relevant content.

6. Easier Measurement of ROI

B2B demand generation and personalized marketing with an ABM platform allow you to measure ROI more easily. By tracking every touchpoint across the buyer’s journey, you know where deals stall and what drives prospects through the funnel. Not only does this help you optimize your content marketing and delivery, but it makes it easier to attribute ROI to specific account based marketing execution.

How the Folloze Buyer Experience Platform Increases Engagement and Conversions

The Folloze buyer experience platform for B2B marketing empowers sales and marketing teams using deep insights, sales orchestration, and artificial intelligence (AI). Teams can create highly personalized experiences and targeted campaigns that engage and nurture prospects across the entire customer journey.

Five Steps of the Intelligent Buyer Experience Platform

Folloze manages the buyer experience by following these five steps:

  1. Recognize and Target
  2. Contextualize
  3. Recommend
  4. Understand
  5. Orchestrate

1. Recognize and Target:¨Find High-Value Prospects

By pulling data in real-time using AI and third-party data services, you can quickly identify high-value prospects. Personalized links, cookies, IP matching, and identity matching can help you target individual prospects.

2. Contextualize: Data Framework Leverages AI

By using multidimensional context, such as firmographics, intent, and business content, AI can surface the type of content that will engage buyers at various stages of the customer journey.

3. Recommend: Intelligent Content Nomination

Rather than guessing what content will connect, AI will recommend and automatically deliver the most relevant and best-performing content using personalized marketing and dynamic messaging and images.

4. Understand: Account Engagement Analytics

Analytics aggregate engagement across all touchpoints down to the account level. This helps better inform campaign strategy and measure impact.

5. Orchestrate: Collaborative Marketing and Sales

Using a closed-loop orchestration process, you target, orchestrate, personalize, and measure account experiences with micro-targeted campaigns that increase engagement and conversions.

Deliver Unique and Personalized ABM Solutions

To learn more about how the Folloze B2B marketing platform can help you grow your business, contact the B2B marketing platform and account based marketing execution experts at Folloze today.